The following article was published in the "Arts and Entertainment Magazine" January 2004.

Will You Soar in 2004?

Each January I ask my clients two important questions. First, "What do you want your life to look like one year from today? I’m not looking for ‘maybes’, I want answers from your heart!" Second, "What are you willing to do to make this happen?"

When looking at what you intend your life to look like one year from today, get as specific as possible. For example, what do you want your relationships, home, professional life, private time, physique, and extracurricular endeavors to look like? This is your time to dream. Don’t be afraid to dream big!

On relationships, if you have some that simply don’t seem to be working out today, do you want to retain, enhance or eliminate them by this time next year? What will it take to create more laughter, support or intimacy?

We are always teaching people how to treat us. How can you electrify your relationships through your own actions and expression of your specific desires?

Does your home represent who you are today? Do you have clutter or other projects that have been staring you in the face for years? Will it be the same in January of 2005?

If it were the same, how would this weigh you down? If you simplified, how would this stimulate you? What will it take? Create a workable schedule for whatever you would like to change in your home, beginning with one small element this week.

What about your professional world? Is it as stimulating as you would like it to be? If you are a creative individual, are you in an atmosphere that encourages your creativity? If you are a leader, are you allowed to lead?

If what you want is bigger than what you have today, what specific steps are you willing to take, and when, to modify your circumstances? Is it as simple as one conversation in which you clearly state what you want? Or, will it take a commitment on your part to branch out and enhance your skills? What will honor you in this process?

And then there is the time management piece which somehow allows for everything else in your world other than your precious private time. How important is quiet, pensive private time--the time to explore options and gain perspective while getting to know yourself a little better? This is vital!

Are you well balanced today and simply want to maintain it through this coming year or will you really shake things loose and demand more private time for yourself?

While thinking of what you want your physique to look and feel like in January of 2005 gets dangerously close to New Year resolutions, it is never the less important. Are you thrilled and amazed when you look in the mirror? Do you want to have the energy and vitality to do and be all that you want to do and be?

Beginning today with this article as your motivator, write down what you intend your physique to feel and look like in January of 2005. What steps you are willing to take to create this. Beginning when?

And finally, what about all of those extracurricular activities that you have been promising yourself you would get to very soon…yet another year has slipped by?

By next year at this time will you have parachuted out of an airplane, started your book or greatly improved your skiing, golf or artwork? Will you have traveled to those destinations on your list? Why not pull out our calendar and mark some specific dates to get rolling on these activities today?

We know that 2003 seemed to vanish in a split second. In order to really soar in 2004, be more intentional about who you are, what you want and what you are willing to do to get there! I wish you a happy, fulfilling and dynamic New Year.

Ann Golden Eglé, CPCC, PCC, owner of Golden Visions Success Coaching, LLC, coaches successful executives, entrepreneurs and professionals throughout North America to higher levels of success, in business and in life! She can be reached at 541-385-8887 or

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